The sixth installment of the Harry Potter series hit the shelves midnight Friday. Kids and their parents waited in line for the midnight opening of bookstores around town just to get the book. I’ve read the first book only and seen the three movies. I must say, I don’t remember the book, but the movies were great.
Any books that can get people to enjoy reading is fine by me. But I’ve been seeing people in the media claiming that Harry Potter books represents the anti-Christian teaching of Christianity. These hardcore religious people are attacking the book and using it’s popularity to make the issue notable.
One anti-Harry Potter activists says the books promotes the wrong message to children. He says these books displays, ‘revenge, violence, and death’. Well, I know another book that displays the same thing. It’s called “The Bible”. So why Harry Potter and not other books? I don’t know for sure. It seems anything that is popular or has a high profile status always endures some kind of criticism whether it makes sense or not.